The Mountain House contains several rooms and has an amazing view over the Alaska Range!
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The Stone Hut features the amazing custom artistic stonework of your host Brian McCullough inside and out!
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Please contact us for winter rates.
$360/night for six persons + 5% Bed Tax = $378.00
$160/night for two persons + 5% Bed Tax = $168.00
Each additional person is $15.00
$280/night for four persons + 5% Bed Tax = $294.00
Each additional person is $15.00
$800/night for twelfe persons + 5% Bed Tax = $840.00
Each additional person is $15.00
Coffee and tea are provided.
Contents copyright TalkeetnaPro 2016
web design by Ravensong
Flower-webdesign (Talkeetna, AK)